Paint­ed Hills, John Day Fos­sil Beds Nation­al Mon­u­ment, Ore­gon, Unit­ed States

Wel­come to my web­site!

My research focus­es on active tec­ton­ics of con­ti­nen­tal faults. I use geo­desy and remote-sens­ing, earth­quake relo­ca­tion, and geo­log­ic and geo­mor­phic map­ping to char­ac­ter­ize and mod­el the source fault, obtain slip dis­tri­b­u­tion, and esti­mate the size and extent of past rup­tures. I study what aspects of the fault sys­tem (such as struc­tur­al matu­ri­ty, fault trace com­plex­i­ty) may con­trol earth­quake rup­ture behav­iours (such as shal­low slip deficit). I am also inter­est­ed in bridg­ing these obser­va­tions with ground motion data to pro­vide impli­ca­tions for seis­mic haz­ard assess­ment.


Uni­ver­si­ty of Vic­to­ria, British Colum­bia, Cana­da
PhD in Earth and Ocean Sci­ences

Ore­gon State Uni­ver­si­ty, Cor­val­lis, Unit­ed States
MSc in Geol­o­gy

Chu­la­longko­rn Uni­ver­si­ty, Bangkok, Thai­land
BSc in Geol­o­gy (Sum­ma Cum Laude)

Research interest

Earth­quake geol­o­gy,
active tec­ton­ics,
remote-sens­ing & geo­desy
(InSAR, pho­togram­me­try),
tec­ton­ic geo­mor­phol­o­gy

Contact me

Selected awards

2023 AGU Out­stand­ing Stu­dent Pre­sen­ta­tion Award
2021 Run­ner-up cam­pus-wide Three Minute The­sis Com­pe­ti­tion (UVic)
2021 Seis­mo­log­i­cal Soci­ety of Amer­i­ca Stu­dent Pre­sen­ta­tion Award
2019 Teach­ing Assis­tant Excel­lence Award (OSU)
2018 Geo­log­i­cal Soci­ety of Amer­i­ca Grad­u­ate Stu­dent Research Grant
2017 Ful­bright Thai Grad­u­ate Schol­ar­ship

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