Since I joined the Tec­ton­ics, Earth­quakes, and Remote-sens­ing (TEARS) Research Group at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vic­to­ria in 2020, it seems like there was a tra­di­tion (well, just for fun of course!) to bake birth­day‘quakes’ on birth­days and spe­cial occa­sions. It start­ed by for­mer stu­dents, pre­sum­ably from their inter­ests in bak­ing and explor­ing cre­ativ­i­ty between sci­ence and art…which I also enjoyed! More to come!

Octo­ber 2020. Mak­ing the first birthday‘quake’ ever since join­ing TEARS. Going easy with cup­cake style! Shall we taste some non dou­ble-cou­ple? Or maybe some strike-slips?

Novem­ber 2021. Slip mod­el-fault zone birth­dayquake. Can I have the max slip at depth? You can have the off-fault cracks and the intact choco­laty rock?
August 2023. Grad­u­a­tion-quake this time. Can’t be more proud of our beloved col­league! The InSAR mas­ter!

These birth­dayquakes were designed and baked by my col­leagues and myself (more fun doing this togeth­er!). If you are curi­ous what oth­er past birth­dayquakes (before I joined the group) look like, they can be found here, check out the fault scarp!

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