Thinner, denser blue foamies (oceanic crust), and thicker, lighter yellow ones (continental crust) all loaded up for the school outreach!
For schools and communities on the southern Vancouver Island, my research group and I are happy to give in-person presentations and do demonstrations related to earthquake and tsunami hazards.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or are interested! (:
Requests for online presentations are also welcome!
University of Victoria Speakers Bureau Program
Past outreach presentation and activity topics
“Can We Predict Earthquakes? Tales of the Cascadia Subduction Zone”
“Plate Tectonics and Hazards of Vancouver Island”
“What Can We Learn From the Dirt? Demonstration of Tsunami Deposits”
“Liquefaction—Demonstration of Building Structures on Different Soil Type using Plastic Cups and Sand”
“Tsunami Hazards of Vancouver Island”
“Earthquake Shakedown!”
Schools and communities visited
Burnside Gorge Community, Victoria, Canada (Age 50–80)
Mt. Douglas Secondary School, Victoria, Canada (Grade 11–12)
Victoria Lapidary and Mineral Society, Victoria, Canada (General public)
Sidney Rotary Club, Sidney, Vancouver Island, Canada (Age 50–70)
Galiano Community School, Galiano Island, Canada (Grade 4–6)
Probus Club of Duncan, Duncan, Vancouver Island, Canada (Age 60–70)
Journey Middle School, Sooke, Vancouver Island, Canada (Grade 7–8)
Central Middle School, Victoria, Canada (Grade 7–8)
Colquitz Middle School, Victoria, Canada (Grade 7–8)
Frank Hobbs Elementary School, Victoria, Canada (Grade 3–4)
Cloverdale Traditional School, Victoria, Canada (Grade 1–3, Virtual)
Gordon Head Middle School, Victoria, Canada (Grade 8)
Other public outreach events
Safety First Fair earthquake and tsunami research outreach, University of Victoria (General public)
Science Rendezvous Victoria science festival, University of Victoria (General public)
Girl Guides of Canada outreach, Vancouver, Canada (Grade 4–5, Virtual)
Science Venture’s Virtual Summer Camp, Vancouver Island, Canada (Grade 1–9, Virtual)
Farmer’s Market earthquake outreach, Corvallis, Oregon, United States (General public)
Service and leadership
Session convener and primary chair at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, Session title: “Fracture Roughness Analysis and Influence of Fault Structural Maturity on Earthquake Behavior” (December 11–15, 2023, San Francisco, United States)
Session moderator at the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Workshop on “Coordinating Post-Earthquake Data Collection” (Virtual; January 12&14, 2022)
Co-teacher at the University 201 Program weekly introductory course on “Earthquakes and Tsunamis”, Victoria, Canada (Virtual; November 2021)