Panamint Val­ley, east­ern Cal­i­for­nia, Unit­ed States

Peer-reviewed publication

Har­rich­hausen, N., Fin­ley, T., Morell, K. D., Regal­la, C., Ben­nett, S. E. K., Leonard, L. J., Nis­sen, E., McLeod E., Lynch, E. M., Salomon, G., & Sethanant, I. (2023). Dis­cov­ery of an active fore­arc fault in an urban region: Holocene rup­ture on the XEOLXELEK — Elk Lake fault, Vic­to­ria, British Colum­bia, Cana­da. Tec­ton­ics, 42(12), e2023TC008170.

Sethanant, I., Nis­sen, E., Pousse-Beltran, L., Bergman, E., & Pierce, I. (2023). The 2020 Mw 6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Neva­da, Earth­quake: Anato­my of a Crossing-Fault Rup­ture through a Region of High­ly Dis­trib­uted Defor­ma­tion. Bul­letin of the Seis­mo­log­i­cal Soci­ety of Amer­i­ca.

Regal­la, C., Kir­by, E., Mahan, S., McDon­ald, E., Pan­gr­cic, H., Bink­ley, A., Schot­ten­fels, E., LaPlante, A., Sethanant, I., & Lynch, E. M. (2022). Late Holocene rup­ture his­to­ry of the Ash Hill fault, East­ern Cal­i­for­nia Shear Zone, and the poten­tial for seis­mo­genic strain trans­fer between near­by faults. Earth Sur­face Process­es and Land­forms, 47(12), 2897–2925.

Conference proceedings

Sethanant, I., Nis­sen, E., Pousse-Bel­tran, L., Bergman, E., Benz, H. M., & Pierce, I. (2023). Struc­tur­al Imma­tu­ri­ty and Tec­ton­ic Impli­ca­tions of the 2020 Mw 6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earth­quake, Neva­da: Evi­dence from Near-Field and Far-Field Obser­va­tions. In His­cock, A. I., Williams, E., Kle­ber, E. J., & Bow­man, S. D. (Eds.), Pro­ceed­ings Vol­ume, 2022 Basin and Range Earth­quake Sum­mit: Utah Geo­log­i­cal Sur­vey Mis­cel­la­neous Pub­li­ca­tion 177

Har­rich­hausen, N., Fin­ley, T., Morell, K. D., Regal­la, C., Ben­nett, S. E. K., Leonard, L. J., Nis­sen, E., McLeod E., Lynch, E. M., Salomon G., & Sethanant I. (2023). Pale­o­seis­mic study of the XEOLXELEK–Elk Lake fault: A new­ly iden­ti­fied Holocene fault in the north­ern Cas­ca­dia fore­arc near Vic­to­ria, British Colum­bia, Cana­da. In Baize S., & Riz­za, M. (Eds.), Pro­ceed­ings of the 11th Inter­na­tion­al INQUA Work­shop on Pale­o­seis­mol­o­gy, Active Tec­ton­ics and Archeo­seis­mol­o­gy (PATA),

Data publication

Nis­sen, E., Salomon, G., Fin­ley, T., Stephen, R., Gau­dreau, E., & Sethanant, I. (2023). Drone lidar and SfM sur­vey of the XEOLX­ELEK-Elk Lake Fault, May 2021. Dis­trib­uted by Open­To­pog­ra­phy.

Sethanant, I. (2020). Qua­ter­nary Sur­face Rup­tures along Panamint Val­ley Fault, CA, April-May 2018. Dis­trib­uted by Open­To­pog­ra­phy.

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