Panamint Valley, eastern California, United States
Peer-reviewed publication
Harrichhausen, N., Finley, T., Morell, K. D., Regalla, C., Bennett, S. E. K., Leonard, L. J., Nissen, E., McLeod E., Lynch, E. M., Salomon, G., & Sethanant, I. (2023). Discovery of an active forearc fault in an urban region: Holocene rupture on the XEOLXELEK — Elk Lake fault, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Tectonics, 42(12), e2023TC008170.
Sethanant, I., Nissen, E., Pousse-Beltran, L., Bergman, E., & Pierce, I. (2023). The 2020 Mw 6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada, Earthquake: Anatomy of a Crossing-Fault Rupture through a Region of Highly Distributed Deformation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.
Regalla, C., Kirby, E., Mahan, S., McDonald, E., Pangrcic, H., Binkley, A., Schottenfels, E., LaPlante, A., Sethanant, I., & Lynch, E. M. (2022). Late Holocene rupture history of the Ash Hill fault, Eastern California Shear Zone, and the potential for seismogenic strain transfer between nearby faults. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47(12), 2897–2925.
Conference proceedings
Sethanant, I., Nissen, E., Pousse-Beltran, L., Bergman, E., Benz, H. M., & Pierce, I. (2023). Structural Immaturity and Tectonic Implications of the 2020 Mw 6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake, Nevada: Evidence from Near-Field and Far-Field Observations. In Hiscock, A. I., Williams, E., Kleber, E. J., & Bowman, S. D. (Eds.), Proceedings Volume, 2022 Basin and Range Earthquake Summit: Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 177.
Harrichhausen, N., Finley, T., Morell, K. D., Regalla, C., Bennett, S. E. K., Leonard, L. J., Nissen, E., McLeod E., Lynch, E. M., Salomon G., & Sethanant I. (2023). Paleoseismic study of the XEOLXELEK–Elk Lake fault: A newly identified Holocene fault in the northern Cascadia forearc near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. In Baize S., & Rizza, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International INQUA Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA),
Data publication
Nissen, E., Salomon, G., Finley, T., Stephen, R., Gaudreau, E., & Sethanant, I. (2023). Drone lidar and SfM survey of the XEOLXELEK-Elk Lake Fault, May 2021. Distributed by OpenTopography.
Sethanant, I. (2020). Quaternary Surface Ruptures along Panamint Valley Fault, CA, April-May 2018. Distributed by OpenTopography.